Monday, September 30, 2019

The Return: Nightfall Chapter 18

Matt woke, fuzzily, to find himself still behind the steering wheel of Elena's car. He stumbled into his house, almost forgetting to lock the car, and then fumbling with keys to unlock the back door. The house was dark; his parents were asleep. He made it up to his bedroom and collapsed on the bed without even taking off his shoes. When he woke again, he was startled to find it was nineA.M . and his mobile phone was ringing in his jeans pocket. â€Å"Mer'dith?† â€Å"We thought you were coming over early this morning.† â€Å"I am, but I've got to figure outhow first,† Matt said – or rather, croaked. His head felt twice its usual size and his arm at least four times too big. Even so, something in the back of his mind was calculating how to get to the boardinghouse without taking the Old Wood Road at all. Finally a few neurons lit up and showed him. â€Å"Matt? Are you still there?† â€Å"I'm not sure. Last night†¦God, I don't evenremember most of last night. But on the way home – look, I'll tell you when I get there. First I have to call the police.† â€Å"Thepolice ?† â€Å"Yeah†¦look†¦just give me an hour, okay? I'll be there in an hour.† When he finally arrived at the boardinghouse, it was closer to eleven than to ten. But a shower had cleared his head, even if it hadn't done much for his throbbing arm. When he did appear, he was engulfed in worried femininity. â€Å"Matt,what happened ?† He told them everything he could remember. When Elena, with set lips, undid the Ace bandage he had wrapped around his arm, they all winced. The long scratches were clearly badly infected. â€Å"They're poisonous, then, these malach.† â€Å"Yes,† Elena said tersely. â€Å"Poisonous to body and mind.† â€Å"And you think one of these can getinside people?† Meredith asked. She was doodling on a notebook page, trying to draw something that looked like what Matt had described. â€Å"Yes.† For just a moment Elena's and Meredith's eyes met – then both looked down. At last Meredith said, â€Å"And how do we know whether one is inside†¦someone†¦or not?† â€Å"Bonnie should be able to tell, in trance,† Elena said evenly. â€Å"Even I might be able to tell, but I'm not going to use White Power for that. We're going down to see Mrs. Flowers.† She said it in that special way that Matt had learned to recognize long ago, and it meant that no argument would do any good. She was putting her foot down, and that was that. And the truth was that Matt didn't feel very much like arguing. He hated to complain – he'd played through football games with a broken collarbone, a sprained knee, a turned ankle – but this was different. His arm felt in danger of exploding. Mrs. Flowers was downstairs in the kitchen, but on the family room table were four glasses of iced tea. â€Å"I'll be right with you,† she called through the swinging half-door that divided the kitchen from where they were standing. â€Å"Drink the tea, especially the young man who's injured. It'll help him relax.† â€Å"Herbal tea,† Bonnie whispered to the others, as if this were some trade secret. The tea wasn't all that bad, although Matt would've preferred a Coke. But when he thought of it as medicine, and with the girls all watching him like hawks, he managed to get over half of it down before the landlady came out. She was wearing her gardening hat – or at least a hat with artificial flowers on it that looked as if it had been used for gardening. But on a cookie tray, she had a number of instruments, all gleaming as if they'd just been boiled. â€Å"Yes, dear, I am,† she said to Bonnie, who had stood up in front of Matt protectively. â€Å"I used to be a nurse, just like your sister. Women weren't encouraged to be doctors then. But all my life I've been a witch. Gets kind of lonely, doesn't it?† â€Å"It wouldn't be so lonely,† Meredith said, looking puzzled, â€Å"if you lived closer to town.† â€Å"Ah, but then I'd have people staring at my house all the time, and children daring each other to run and touch it, or to throw a stone through my window, or adults peering at me every time I went shopping. And how could I ever keep my garden in peace?† It was the longest speech any of them had ever heard her make. It took them so by surprise that it was a moment before Elena said, â€Å"I don't see how you can keep your garden in peace outhere . What with all the deer and rabbits and other animals.† â€Å"Well, most of it isfor the animals, you see.† Mrs. Flowers smiled beatifically and her face seemed to light up from within. â€Å"They surely enjoy it. But they don't enjoy the herbs I grow for putting on scrapes and cuts and sprains and such. And perhaps they know I'm a witch, too, since they always leave me a bit of the garden for myself and maybe a guest or two.† â€Å"Why are you telling me all of this now?† Elena demanded. â€Å"Why, there've been times when I was looking for you, or for Stefan, when I thought – well, never mind what I thought. But I wasn't always sure you were our friend.† â€Å"The truth is that I've gotten solitary and unsociable in my old age. But now you've lost your young man, haven't you? I wish I had gotten up a little earlier this morning. Then I might have been able to speak to him. He left the money for a year's rental of the room on the kitchen table. I've always had a soft spot for him, and that's the truth.† Elena's lips were trembling. Matt hastily and heroically lifted his wounded arm. â€Å"Can you help at all with this?† he asked, peeling the Ace bandage away again. â€Å"Oh, my, my. And what sort of critter gave you these?† Mrs. Flowers said, examining the scratches while the three girls winced. â€Å"We think it was a malach,† Elena said quietly. â€Å"Do you know anything about those?† â€Å"I've heard the word, yes, but I don't know anything specific. How long ago did you get them?† she asked Matt. â€Å"They look more like tooth marks than claw marks.† â€Å"They are,† Matt said grimly, and he described the malach to her as best he could. It was partly to keep himself distracted, because Mrs. Flowers had picked up one of the gleaming instruments from the cookie tray and was starting to do things to his red and swollen arm. â€Å"Hold as still as you can on this towel,† she said. â€Å"These have already scabbed over, but they need to be opened and drained and cleaned out properly. It's going to hurt. Why don't one of you young women hold his hand to help keep his arm steady?† Elena started to stand but Bonnie beat her to it, almost leaping over Meredith to take Matt's hand in both of her own. The draining and cleaning were painful, but Matt managed to bear it without making a sound, even giving Bonnie a sort of sickly grin as blood and pus trickled out of his arm. The lancing hurt at first, but the release of pressure felt good, and when the wounds were drained and clean and then packed with a cold herbal compress, they felt blessedly cool and ready to heal properly. It was while he was trying to thank the old woman that he noticed Bonnie staring at him. In particular, at his neck. Suddenly she giggled. â€Å"What? What's funny?† â€Å"The bug,† she said. â€Å"It gave you a hickey. Unless you did something else last night that you didn't tell us about.† Matt could feel himself flush as he pulled his collar up higher. â€Å"I did tell you about it, and it was the malach. It had a sort of tentacle with suckers around my neck. It was trying to strangle me!† â€Å"I remember now,† Bonnie said meekly. â€Å"I'm sorry.† Mrs. Flowers even had an herbal ointment for the mark the sucker tentacle had left – and one for Matt's scraped knuckles. After she'd applied them, Matt felt so good that he was able to look sheepishly at Bonnie, who was watching him with big brown eyes. â€Å"I know, it does look like a hickey,† he said. â€Å"I saw it this morning in the mirror. And I've got another one lower down, but at least my collar covers that one.† He snorted and reached into his shirt to apply more ointment. The girls laughed – a release of the tension that they'd all been feeling. Meredith had started back up the narrow stairway to what everyone still thought of as Stefan's room, and Matt automatically followed her. He didn't realize that Elena and Bonnie were hanging back until he was halfway up the stairs, and then Meredith motioned him onward. â€Å"They're just conferring,† Meredith said, in her quiet, no-nonsense voice. â€Å"Aboutme ?† Matt swallowed. â€Å"It's about that thing Elena saw inside Damon, right? The invisible malach. And whether or not I've got one – inside me – right now.† Meredith, never one to soft-pedal anything, simply nodded. But she put a hand briefly on his shoulder as they entered the dim, high-ceilinged bedroom. Shortly after, Elena and Bonnie came up, and Matt could tell at once by their faces that the worst-case scenario wasn't true. Elena saw his expression and immediately went to him and hugged him. Bonnie followed, more shyly. â€Å"Feel okay?† Elena said, and Matt nodded. â€Å"I feel fine,† he said. Like wrestling alligators, he thought. Nothing was nicer than hugging soft, soft girls. â€Å"Well, the consensus is that you don't have anything inside you that doesn't belong there. Your aura seems clear and strong now that you're not in pain.† â€Å"Thank God,† Matt said, and he meant it. It was at that moment that his mobile phone rang. He frowned, puzzled at the number displayed, but he answered it. â€Å"Matthew Honeycutt?† â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"Hold, please.† A new voice came on: â€Å"Mr. Honeycutt?† â€Å"Uh, yeah, but – â€Å" â€Å"This is Rich Mossberg of the Fell's Church Sheriff's Department. You called this morning to report a fallen tree midway down Old Wood Road?† â€Å"Yes, I – â€Å" â€Å"Mr. Honeycutt, we don't like prank calls of this sort. We frown upon them, in fact. It takes up the valuable time of our officers, and besides, it happens to be a crime to make a false report to the police. If I wanted to, Mr. Honeycutt, I could charge you with this crime and make you answer to a judge. I don't see just what you find so amusing about it.† â€Å"I wasn't – I don't findanything amusing about it! Look, last night – † Matt's voice trailed off. What was he going to say?Last night I was waylaid by a tree and a monster bug? A small voice inside him added that the Fell's Church Sheriff's officers seemed to spend most of their valuable time hanging around the Dunkin' Donuts in the city square, but the next words he heard shut it up. â€Å"In fact, Mr. Honeycutt, under the authority of Virginia State Code, Section 18.2-461, making a false police report is punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor. You could be looking at a year in jail or a twenty-five-thousand-dollar fine. Do you findthat amusing, Mr. Honeycutt?† â€Å"Look, I – â€Å" â€Å"Do you, in fact,have twenty-five thousand dollars, Mr. Honeycutt?† â€Å"No, I – I – † Matt waited to be cut off and then he realized that he wasn't going to be. He was sailing off the edge of the map into some unknown region. What to say?The malach took the tree away – or maybe it moved by itself ? Ludicrous. Finally, in a creaky voice he managed, â€Å"I'm sorry they didn't find the tree. Maybe†¦somehow it got moved.† â€Å"Maybe somehow it got moved,† the sheriff repeated expressionlessly. â€Å"In fact maybe somehow it moved itself the way that all those stop signs and yield signs keep moving themselves away from intersections. Does that ring a bell, Mr. Honeycutt?† â€Å"No!† Matt felt himself flush deeply. â€Å"I would never move any kind of street sign.† By now the girls were clustered around him, as if they could somehow help by appearing as a group. Bonnie was gesturing vigorously, and her indignant expression made it clear that she wanted to tell the sheriff off personally. â€Å"In fact, Mr. Honeycutt,† Sheriff Mossberg cut in, â€Å"we called your home number first, since that's the phone you used to place the report. And your mother said that she hadn't seen you at all last night.† Matt ignored the little voice that wanted to snap,Is that a crime? â€Å"That was because I got held up – â€Å" â€Å"By a self-propelled tree, Mr. Honeycutt? In fact we had already had another call about your house last night. A member of Neighborhood Watch reported a suspicious car roughly in front of your house. According to your mother, you recently totaled your own car, isn't that right, Mr. Honeycutt?† Matt could see where this was going and he didn't like it. â€Å"Yes,† he heard himself say, while his mind worked desperately for a plausible explanation. â€Å"I was trying to avoid running over a fox. And – â€Å" â€Å"Yet there was a report of a brand new Jaguar lingering in front of your house, just far enough away from the streetlight to be – inconspicuous. A car so new that it had no license plates. Was that, in fact, your car, Mr. Honeycutt?† â€Å"Mr. Honeycutt's my father!† Matt said desperately. â€Å"I'm Matt. And it was my friend's car – â€Å" â€Å"And your friend's name is†¦?† Matt stared at Elena. She was making wait gestures, obviously trying to think. To sayElena Gilbert would be suicidal. The police, of all people, knew that Elena Gilbert was dead. Now Elena was pointing around the room and mouthing words at him. Matt shut his eyes and said the words, â€Å"Stefan Salvatore. But he gave the car to his girlfriend?† He knew he was ending his sentence so that it sounded like a question, but he could hardly believe Elena's coaching. Now the sheriff was beginning to sound tired and exasperated. â€Å"Areyou askingme , Matt? So you were driving the brand-new car of your friend's girlfriend. And her name is†¦?† There was a brief moment when the girls seemed to disagree and Matt hung in limbo. But then Bonnie threw her arms up and Meredith moved forward, pointing to herself. â€Å"Meredith Sulez,† Matt said weakly. He heard the hesitation in his own voice and he repeated, huskily but with more conviction, â€Å"Meredith Sulez.† Now Elena was whispering rapidly in Meredith's ear. â€Å"And the car was purchased where? Mr. Honeycutt?† â€Å"Yes,† Matt said. â€Å"Just a second – † He put the phone into Meredith's outstretched hand. â€Å"This is Meredith Sulez,† Meredith said smoothly, in the polished, relaxed tones of a classical music disk jockey. â€Å"Miss Sulez, you've heard the conversation so far?† â€Å"Ms.Sulez, please, Sergeant. I have.† â€Å"Did you, in fact, lend your car to Mr. Honeycutt?† â€Å"I did.† â€Å"And where is Mr.† – there was a shuffling of paper – â€Å"Stefan Salvatore, the original owner of the car?† He's not asking her where they bought it, Matt thought. He must know. â€Å"My boyfriend is away from town right now,† Meredith said, still in the same refined, unflappable voice. â€Å"I don't know when he'll be back. When he is, shall I have him call you?† â€Å"That might be wise,† Sheriff Mossberg said dryly. â€Å"These days very few cars are bought with cash on the line, especially brand-new Jaguars. I'd like your driver's license number, also. And, in fact, I'd very much like to speak to Mr. Salvatore when he returns.† â€Å"That may be very soon,† Meredith said, a bit slowly, but following Elena's coaching. Then she recited her driver's license number from memory. â€Å"Thank you,† Sheriff Mossberg said briefly. â€Å"That will be all for – â€Å" â€Å"May I just say one thing? Matt Honeycutt would never, ever remove stop signs or yield signs. He's a very conscientious driver and was a leader in his high school class. You can speak to any of Robert E. Lee High School's teachers or even the principal if she's not on vacation. Any one of them will tell you the same thing.† The sheriff didn't seem to be impressed. â€Å"You can tell him from me that I'll be keeping an eye on him in the future. In fact it might be a good idea if he stopped in the Sheriff's Department today or tomorrow,† he said, and then the phone went dead. Matt burst out, â€Å"Stefan's girlfriend? You, Meredith? What if the car dealer says the girl was a blond? How are we going to work that out?† â€Å"We aren't,† Elena said simply from behind Meredith. â€Å"Damon is. All we have to do is to find him. I'm sure he can take care of Sheriff Mossberg with a little mind control – if the price is right. And don't worry about me,† she added gently. â€Å"You're frowning, but everything is going to be fine.† â€Å"You believe that?† â€Å"I'm sure of it.† Elena gave him another hug and a kiss on the cheek. â€Å"I'm supposed to stop by the Sheriff's Department today or tomorrow, though.† â€Å"But not alone!† Bonnie said, and her eyes were sparkling with indignation. â€Å"And when Damon goes with you, Sheriff Mooseburger will end up being your best friend.† â€Å"All right,† Meredith said. â€Å"So what are we doing today?† â€Å"The problem,† Elena returned, tapping an index finger against her upper lip, â€Å"is that we've got too many problems at once and I don't want anybody – and I mean anybody – going out alone. It's clear that there are malach in the Old Wood, and that they're trying to do unfriendly-type things to us. Kill us, for one.† Matt basked in the warm relief of being believed. The conversation with Sheriff Mossberg had shaken him more than he wanted to show. â€Å"So we make up task forces,† Meredith said, â€Å"and we split the jobs between them. What problems do we need to plan for?† Elena ticked off the problems with her fingers. â€Å"One problem is Caroline. I really think someone should try to see her, at the very least to try and find out if she has one of thosethings inside her. Another problem is Tami – and who knows who else? If Caroline is†¦contagious somehow, she might have spread it to some other girl – or guy.† â€Å"Okay,† Meredith said, â€Å"and what else?† â€Å"Someone needs to contact Damon. Try to find out from him anything he knows about Stefan leaving, and also try to get him to go in to headquarters with us to influence Sheriff Mossberg.† â€Å"Well, you'd better be on that last team, since you're the only one Damon's likely to talk to,† said Meredith. â€Å"And Bonnie should be on it, so she can keep – â€Å" â€Å"No. No Calling today,† Bonnie pleaded. â€Å"I'm so sorry, Elena, but I just can't, not without a day of rest between. And besides, if Damon wants to talk to you, all you need to do is to walk – notinto the forest, butnear it – and call to him yourself. He knows everything that's going on. He'll know you're there.† â€Å"Then I should go with Elena,† Matt reasoned. â€Å"Since that sheriff is my problem. I'd like to go by the place where I saw the tree – â€Å" At once there was a protest from all three girls. â€Å"I said I'dlike to,† Matt said. â€Å"Not that we should plan for it. That's one spot we know is too dangerous.† â€Å"All right,† Elena said. â€Å"So Bonnie and Meredith will visit Caroline, and you and I will go Damon hunting, all right? I'd rather go Stefan hunting, but we just don't have enough information yet.† â€Å"Right, but before you go, maybe stop by Jim Bryce's house. Matt has an excuse to stop by anytime – he knows Jim. And you can check on Tami's progress as well,† Meredith suggested. â€Å"Sounds like plans A, B, and C,† Elena said, and then, spontaneously, they all laughed. It was a clear day, with a hot sun shining overhead. In the sunlight, despite the minor annoyance of Sheriff Mossberg's call, they all felt strong and capable. None of them had any idea that they were about to walk into the worst nightmare of their lives. Bonnie stood back as Meredith knocked at the front door of the Forbes home. After a while of no answer and silence inside, Meredith knocked again. This time Bonnie could hear whisperings and Mrs. Forbes hissing something, and Caroline's distant laughter. Finally, just as Meredith was about to ring the bell – the height of discourtesy between neighbor and neighbor in Fell's Church – the door opened. Bonnie neatly slipped a foot in, keeping it from being shut again. â€Å"Hi, Mrs. Forbes. We just†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Meredith faltered. â€Å"We just wanted to see if Caroline was any better,† she finished in a tinny-sounding voice. Mrs. Forbes looked as if she'd seen a ghost – and she'd spent all night running from it. â€Å"No, she's not. Not better. She's still – sick.† The woman's voice was hollow and distant and her eyes scanned the ground just over Bonnie's right shoulder. Bonnie felt fine hairs on her arms and the back of her neck stand up. â€Å"Okay, Mrs. Forbes.† Even Meredith sounded false and hollow. Then someone said suddenly, â€Å"Areyou all right?† and Bonnie realized it was her own voice. â€Å"Caroline†¦isn't well. She's†¦not seeing anyone,† whispered the woman. An iceberg seemed to glide down Bonnie's spine. She wanted to turn and run from this house and its aura of malevolence. But at that moment Mrs. Forbes suddenly slumped. Meredith was barely able to break her fall. â€Å"She's fainted,† Meredith said tersely. Bonnie wanted to say,Well, put her on the rug inside and run! But they could hardly do that. â€Å"We've got to take her inside,† Meredith said flatly. â€Å"Bonnie, are you okay to go?† â€Å"No,† Bonnie said just as flatly, â€Å"but what choice do we have?† Mrs. Forbes, small as she was, was heavy. Bonnie held her feet and followed Meredith, step by reluctant step, into the house. â€Å"We'll just put her on her bed,† Meredith said. Her voice was shaky. There was something about the house that was terribly unsettling – as if waves of pressure kept bearing down on them. And then Bonnie saw it. Just a glimpse as they stepped into the living room. It was down the hallway, and it could have been the play of light and shadow there, but it looked for all the world like a person. A person scuttling like a lizard – but not on the floor. On the ceiling.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

How Leeds Was Like Durning the Victorian Times

Life in Leeds was ghastly; many sources tell me this from pictures, to rhymes, reports and drawings Leeds was a well polluted and unhygienic place, Leeds also did not have any proper sewage system causing diseases to spread killing innocent civilians. First pictures of Leeds Steel works which was taken in 1864 show me that factories created poisonous gases that normal everyday public inhaled. My first source also shows that from a distant view the air itself was murky and unclear. Source 1:As I mentioned before there are many sketches by anonymous artists who express their art from what they can see around their environment. This gives me more evidence that Leeds was very dirty and polluted. Source 2: Rhymes and songs were created by the people (most probably the children) who inhabited Leeds at the time one of the most famous rhymes were: â€Å"The Aire below is doubly dyed and damned; The air above with lurid smoke is crammed ; The one flows streaming foul as Charon’s Styx, Its poisonous vapour in the other mix†.What it is really translating is the water below (the river AIre) is coloured in an unnatural state and it is supposedly damned, the air above is crammed with toxic smoke, its poisonous vapours reaching us. Therefore it was commonly known that the Leeds was contaminated and filled with pollution. In 1842 Edwin Chadwick, a politician who was trying to make improvements and reforms to the conditions of towns and cities conducted an investigation into ‘Sanitary conditions of the labouring population.Edwin used local investigators to provide evidence of urban public health conditions. A doctor, Robert Baker, provided information about the hygiene and how it was affecting Leeds. â€Å"Of the 586 streets of Leeds, 68 only are paved by the town, ie, by the local authorities; the remainder are either paved by the owners or are partly paved, or are totally unpaved, with the surfaces broken in every direction, and ashes and filth of every d escription accumulated upon many of them†¦ of the 68 streets†¦ 9 are not sewered at all, and ten only partly so; nay it is only within the three or four years past that a sewer has been completed† . This statement tells me that there were 586 streets in Leeds and only 68 were filled with pavements. Filth and Ash filled every direction; in those 68 pampered streets 19 of them did not have a sewage system at all! Only 10 streets had them; however the sewage system has only been completed 3 or 4 years ago. This source is reliable because as a local doctor Robert Baker had experienced the severe horrific cholera outbreak of 1832.By 1838 as a town councillor, had contributed to a statistical survey of the town and went on to become a factory inspector by 1858. Cholera and other diseases broke out because of the poor sewer system when civilians had to ‘relieve themselves’ half of their waste was absorbed by the ground and was then entered the stream which peop le drank from! While the other half just flowed through the streets waiting to infect civilians with putrid bacteria and filth .Public people also used to wash and bath in the river AIre causing its natural water colour to die out and for it to be swarmed with dirt and bacteria. For my conclusion I still stand by my decision that Leeds during the Victorian times was a filthy, disgusting place. Its water was not safe to drink and was revolting, although the simple workmen who build hundreds of factories hoping that it would not hurt the ozone lair still poisoned the air that the poor Victorian people breathed and lived in.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Burning man festival vs. Quiverfull movement

Members Of the Quivers movement should be admired for the dedication they put into what they believe is right. They also cause harm in several ways, including homecomings, not having enough money to care for each child, and the affect it is creating on the environment. In comparison to the Burning Man festival, its flaws are there is a lot of partying, sex, and drugs, along with the use of gallons of fossil fuels. Its positive attributes are it causes less damage because it represents unity between people and their ability to express themselves through their artwork.The members of the Quivers movement should be respected, because their religious beliefs require much faith. They are motivated by what the bible says and firmly believe that God is in control. They adopt this lifestyle, because in the Bible it says to â€Å"be fruitful and multiply' (13). This statement can be looked at among many different perspectives. The members of this movement believe God will decide when you are done having children. One mother describes this movement as â€Å"God is bringing revelation on the world. He wants to raise up His army, He wants His children to be†(1 3).In that case, if a woman uses any source of birth control, she is going against what God has intended. Also, since God is in control, overpopulation is not a problem, because He will provide a new earth. One woman that is a part of the Quivers movement said, â€Å"Children are a blessing, a reward, an inheritance. Don't worry about money†¦ Because God will provide for his flock† (14). Members of this movement take pride in their children and see them as a gift from God. They cherish the idea of the greater amount of children each Christian family has, the bigger the Christian immunity will become.However, this movement also has flaws. One is homecomings. The thought of homecomings six children or more everyday seems strenuous. In the article, one woman said she believes â€Å"home- schooling mo vements are a sign of revival† (13). She also says that there is too much selfishness in this world and people will do anything just to make their lives easier. I disagree with her Statement because if you hemlocks your children, they won't be able to spread the word of God to others. If your kids are homesteaded, how will your children make friends other than at church?When it comes times for these children to go to college, they will not know how to react to people that do not have the same world views as them. They will be so used to being around their siblings, and will not know any different from what they have been taught to believe. In my opinion, it is more beneficial for children to go to a real school where they can socialize with other children other than their siblings. Sheltering your kids for eighteen years can ultimately harm them when they go off into the real world and are not used to the variety of beliefs.The second way the Quivers movement is problematic is that it can be very expensive to raise a large number of children. First of all, babies require many necessities in order to stay healthy such as baby formula, diapers, a crib, and clothes. As they start to grow up they will need bigger clothes and shoes, car seats, and a bigger bed. Imagine having to provide this for six or more children. Likewise, little kids also tend to need a lot of food. The amount of food you would need just for one meal can be very expensive.Having to provide that many meals each week can become unhealthy and might not give your children the full nutrition they need. The article talks about how the Quivers movement is based on faith. They must have faith that God wont give woman â€Å"more children than they can handle,† and that they will receive multiple â€Å"blessings† if they open themselves up (14). They have faith that God will provide clothes for their children, and their husbands will get better jobs if they submit to this lifestyle. Living a lifestyle where you are constantly relying on other people for support can be very stressful and demanding.The third reason that this movement can be harmful to the environment is if each family started having so many children, this could lead to overpopulation. More schools would have to be built, and families would need bigger houses and more cars for transportation. The problem with this is that our society does not have the resources it would need to care for that many people. There are already thousands of people that go to bed hungry every night. For example, in China, you are only allowed to have one child per family because of the problem of overpopulation.If there countries already are dealing with this issue, adding to this number would not be beneficial to that problem. In the article, one woman states that in her belief system God is going to provide us with a new earth, and our only job is to ‘be fruitful and multiply' (13). For that reason, she believes we don't need to worry about overpopulation being a problem. People of this movement are not taking into account the issues that can bring on our society. The Burning Man festival also exhibits some flaws. One flaw is that there is a lot of partying, sex, and drugs involved. This can lead to many different physical and sexual problems.For example, if people are going around having sex with other people they do not know, this could put them at risk of many diseases. People come to this event with a desire for union and communion. After they get there, their desire turns into a want for eccentric behavior. For example, Johnson says that as the workers are setting up for the festival, everyone is very kind and caring towards one another. When the crowd arrives, the â€Å"energy begins to corrupt' and the people become hedonistic (23). Johnson describes this as ‘the fall† and that ‘the Playa is the very theater of their acting out† (23).Another flaw the Burning Man festival exhibits is that it requires thousands of gallons of fossil fuels, twelve- volt batteries, generators, and computerized reservations of rental trucks and Revs. Johnson makes a good point about how the event is an experiment in â€Å"radical self- reliance,† yet it uses all of those things (22). This is hypocritical to the purpose of the festival, because it is supposed to be a place to get away from the worldly matter and adapt to the culture. Johnson discusses that the organizers should commit to the idea of â€Å"burning green† as the theme one year.By doing this, they would ban generator- powered installations and limit Revs to one per site. However, the Burning Man festival causes less harm and has a more positive influence on those who attend. Why would someone want to camp out in the desert for eight days anyways? The motive behind the Burning Man festival is to develop new relationships and to learn to live in harmony with the planet. It is a place where people can go to get away from everyday life. Feldman says in his article that people go to â€Å"see a shared unman impetus for radicalized gatherings relating to the desire for freedom and transformation† (18).He compares Burning Man to the Jewish religion in that the festival is like the Sabbath because both yearn for a better world. He states â€Å"the creation of this separate reality in time and place heightens the experience of being alive and awakens the desire for a better world, precisely because we are temporarily taken out of our usual routines and surroundings† (19). This idea is compared to the Garden of Eden in that for that week they are â€Å"the dust of the earth† waiting for transformation. Another positive aspect of the Burning man festival is the artwork.Johnson talks about the different types of artwork and how each one is vastly different than the next. He explains the many different textures, materials, sizes, and styles he admires. Johnson appreciates that the art in the Burning man festival is an expression of love instead of narcissism. The Burning Man website claims that â€Å"participants found significant new relations pips or resolve to undertake ambitious projects as a result of their experience† (21 People do not come to this festival to show off their creativity but rather to lid relationships through it.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Choose a specific characteristic of yourself (it can be a physical Assignment

Choose a specific characteristic of yourself (it can be a physical feature, an ability or a type of behavior) that you believe to have been affected by your environment (physical, social, or both) - Assignment Example I know these seems like the habit picked up by an older generation or by a group of gentlemen but it is a trend being picked up by even the younger generation which prefer it to taking alcohol or smoking the real cigarettes which are more harmful to the health. Ever since my social circle expanded, I have had to attend a few too many social gatherings (the intimate kind with only a few friends or members and not open to the general public). In all these social gatherings, the people I consider my friends or allies smoke these kinds of cigars and I was initially the only odd one out. For a while (months) I resisted the temptation both from the friends and myself to indulge in this behavior but eventually I threw in the towel and started smoking them only because I didn’t want to be left out anymore. The social environment had been the one that enticed me to start the behavior. Had I not been involved in these social gatherings, I would not even have known how to buy a cigar let alone be an expert smoker. The most interesting bit about this behavior is that it happens only when I am in these social meetings but once done, I do not even feel the slightest urge to smoke a cigar. I do not feel left out or a loner anymore and actually a sense of belonging settles in once everyone removes their cigars and starts smoking them even if for only a few minutes (Kirst-Ashman, 2007). Observation is the best research method to find out whether for certain it is the environment that has brought about this behavior in individuals. This research can be conducted among the same circle of friends I have as it is the easier target and data will be collected easily without invading the privacy of most people. Observation can take place outside the social gatherings for example in their offices, homes or in between classes. The observation will not be hard as I interact with these people often in

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Court Brief 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Court Brief 3 - Assignment Example confession of Burbine’s crime in form of valid waivers be suppressed because of police’s failure to report the suspect of attorney’s attempt to reach him or was he adequately informed of his right to access a lawyer? The Providence Police informed Burbine of his Miranda Rights according to which, he could ask for an attorney’s presence â€Å"to dissipate the compulsion inherent in custodial interrogation and, in so doing, guard against abridgement of the suspect’s Fifth Amendment Rights†. In three sessions, the police informed him of his Miranda rights and he signed a written form acknowledging, â€Å"he [did] not want an attorney called or appointed for [him]† due to which, the court ruled out that he "knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily waived his privilege against self-incrimination [and] his right to counsel." So, his conviction was retained. Brian Burbine was arrested along with two others with charge of local burglary. Before the arrest, Detective Ferranti found out through a confidential report that Burbine who was known with the name Butch murdered Ms. Hickey brutally some months ago. She was left unconscious and wounded in a factory parking lot after which, she was sent to the hospital where she died after three weeks because of her wounds. The Detective informed Burbine about his Miranda rights, but he was not ready to sign a written waiver. However, the detective called police assistance after which, three police officers reached for interrogating the suspect. Burbine’s sister tried to gain access to attorney’s assistance for the burglary case against his brother and Ms. Munson was asked for assistance. When Ms. Munson called the police station, she was told that they had Burbine in custody, but she was also assured that he would not be interrogated till morning. However, the officers were already bu sy in interrogating Burbine after which, they received three waivers with his confession of murder. The police officials informed him

Bispecific antibodies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words

Bispecific antibodies - Research Paper Example In recent years, antibody therapy has become a new treatment modality for tumor patients, although the majority of responses are only partial and not long lasting. Based on evidence that effecter- cell-mediated mechanisms significantly contribute to antibody efficacy in vivo, several approaches are currently perused to improve the interaction between Fc receptor-expressing effecter cells and tumor target antigens. With this purpose the invention of monoclonal antibodies in vivo started. In the initial phase the results were not satisfactory and these antibodies in trial in vivo showed a only 20% clearance of the tumor cells but after letting it go through different formatting processes it went up to achieving 80% clearance. Bispecific antibodies have got 2 hinging sites which are specific for getting attached to immune recruiting cells and also to target antigens which are mostly transformed cells. "Bispecific antibodies (BsAb) can, by virtue of combining two binding specificities, i mprove the selectivity and efficacy of antibody-based treatment of human disease. Recent studies underline the importance of both the 'anti-trigger' and 'anti-target' modalities of BsAb for therapeutic efficacy". (Spriel, A.B., Ojik, H.H.V, & Winkel, J.G.J. 2000). There has always been an issue of side effects when it comes to cancer therapy and a lot of patients would not even go for therapies due the bad side effects. In the past few decades things have started improving an the standard mode of ontological therapies which were chemotherapy and radiation it is now switching more towards treatment of cancer with more of antibiotic and immunoglobulin. This has brought a lot of hope for future success in getting a strong hold of cancer with fewer emergences of side effects. Bispecific antibodies do not occur in nature and they need to be synthesized in vivo, through either recombinant DNA, or cell fusion technique. "Bispecific antibodies have been manufactured by fusing the DNA encodi ng a single chain antibody (ScFv) after the C terminus (CH3-ScFv) or after the hinge (Hinge-ScFv) with an antibody of a different specificity. The fusion protein is expressed by gene transfection in the context of a murine variable region. Transfectomas secrete a homogeneous population of the recombinant antibody with two different specificities, one at the N terminus (anti-dextran) and one at the C terminus (anti-dansyl). The CH3-ScFv antibody, which maintains the constant region of human lgG3, has some of the associated effectors functions such as long half-life and Fc receptor binding. The Hinge-ScFv antibody which lacks the CH2 and CH3 domains has no known effectors functions". (Coloma, M.J. &'Morrison, S.L. 1997). Production of Bispecific antibodies has been a challenging task but has still been encouraged because of the advantages it has towards treating cancer with less side effects. There are still some disadvantaged of cost and failure rate, and future challenges and tasks are also to be taken in consideration. We will have an overview of the rational of producing Bispecific antibo

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

HCM HR discussion board week 8 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HCM HR discussion board week 8 - Assignment Example The first stage of training and development occurs when an employee joins a company. The initial training should include a segment dedicated to corporate culture. Once an employee joins a staff there is periodically trainings that are given to the employees to improve general and specialized skills. Due to the changes that are occurring in all professions continued education has become more important than ever. The healthcare field requires professionals that keep up with the latest changes in diagnostic and treatment of diseases. As a future human resource manager in healthcare I will emphasize training and development as a value added function that can help the employees in the short, medium, and long term. The creation of a balance training and development program that includes both internal and external training sessions can benefit both the employees and the company. The inclusion of technology can help the firm provide training using online learning techniques. Smartphones such as Iphones and Androids can serve as databases to store medical

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Crtical analysis in economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Crtical analysis in economics - Assignment Example The author puts benefit to the fact that taxing junk food would indeed reduce the rates of obesity, but he questions the duration it will take to see the positive effects. The author then comes up with a number of flaws that in his view would need to be put to consideration before implementing such policies. According to the article taxing junk food raises questions like what exactly needs to be taxed, and how long it would take to see any results. It also raises the possibility of increasing the number of obesity cases, as opposed to reducing them. The author then argues that there is the need to confirm if there is a relationship between obesity and the junk food or else the policy may fail. According to the author, obesity can be linked to lack of exercise such that if people spend more time looking for healthy foods then there will be no time for exercise hence leading to increase in obesity cases.1 The article also touches on accessibility of fresh foods especially by the poor citizens. It also talks about the fact that citizens may not be affected by the prices and will continue to buy junk food all the same. The reasoning behind taxation on junk food focuses on the assumption that it will deter people from buying it and if they do then it will offset the economic costs of managing diseases caused by these unhealthy foods. The main conditions in this case are obesity which relates to high blood pressure and other coronary diseases. The Economist agrees that indeed a tax on calories would reduce cases of obesity. However, the effect would be realized over long periods of time say 20-30 years. He gets support from Brownell, Farley et al. who confirmed that tax on sugar-sweetened beverages could reduce their consumption by around 25% and would in return reduce the cost of healthcare for obesity and overweight diseases. The Economist then goes further to analyze whether there is any relationship between intake of junk food and obesity by asking

Monday, September 23, 2019

Reflective Activity Week 8.2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reflective Activity Week 8.2 - Essay Example As a result the entire organization began to deteriorate. The workers stopped producing quality work; there was an increase in absenteeism, an increase in unpunctuality, customers began to make more official complaints, the financial aspect of business began to decline and the output began to decrease. In short there was a total decline in the overall performance of the organization. The change initiative was therefore unsuccessful on all counts. The first stage of Lewin’s change process unfreezing involves preparing the organization for a necessary change. In our case there was no preparation – one morning we had a male manager and by the afternoon the organization was headless. There was no time to prepare. The new head came within a week. This individual had no idea of the organization’s culture but began to change everything that was formally in place within the first week of duty. Again there was little preparation – there was little communicated to t he members. Instead we were assigned additional duties without thorough explanation. In hindsight one can see that the manager attacked the organization from its core, that is, from the beliefs, values and behaviors of the employees. As such, the subordinates and the managers were in constant opposition to each other.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Barack Obama and his Political Propaganda Essay Example for Free

Barack Obama and his Political Propaganda Essay The process of running for the United States presidency is no easy task. Like in almost any relationship, attraction is the key to provide the foundation for anticipation and expectations. In the beginning, one will always place his best foot forward, and contemplating on addressing issues which would appeal dramatically to other people. Running for the presidency is no less than different with pursuing a girl to have a relationship with you. It all starts with making her pay attention to what you have to say and to what you can offer despite many competitors.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Barack Obama came across the attraction stage with flying colors because he seemed to have captured the attention of most population in the American community, across varying groups and minorities (Martin, 2008, p.1). For one, he appeared to come prepared for what is known as a great battle to get Democratic nomination against Senator Hillary Clinton who is one tough competitor. Obama lacks the experience, and can be said as less popular than Clinton who has established her prominence during the presidency of her husband. However, the appeal in Obama’s candidacy defers the idea that he was only elected as Senator in 2005, and a very young player in the realm of politics.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This paper aims to explore the political propaganda used by Obama to ensure his future in the White House. For the purpose of the paper, we shall examine the different types of media used by Obama to gain votes and preferences, the manner by which he delivers his agendas, his target audience and supporters, and how this greatly affects his stance in the race to get the democratic nomination. It is certain that the race between Obama and Clinton’s nomination is very tight, but we shall take the time to assess how Obama’s political propaganda has delivered expected results in his leads on major polls and surveys worldwide as Democrats most preferred candidate. â€Å"Change we can believe in† It is a fact that most Americans are demanding change from future politicians in running the country. Many circumstances and events has led Americans hopeful for change and has been the pivotal driving force behind many political agendas. Obama is no exception. By using the ideology of â€Å"change† as a campaign slogan, he ignites the hope among idealistic men and women around the country to believe in what he regards as change (Obama 2008: Change we Believe In, 2008). Obama has a great advantage in speaking with eloquence and sensitivity, with emotions that has words fulfilled with hope and change, gives many people the self-identity they want to see change in the future administration, or in this case, in a democratic candidate for the presidency. This is a note worthy to be taken beforehand, so as to provide a basis on how we can assess Obama’s political propaganda.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Even before the decisive voting held on February 5, 2008, there has been a pronounced shift in favor for Obama of Illinois from opinion polls, surveys, campaign contributions and political and media endorsements (Martin, 2008, p.1). Obama, being a new player in the realm of politics used significant intervention from different political representatives to endorse his candidacy. For example, when Senator Edward Kennedy expressed his fervent support for Obama, it has generated significant contribution in uplifting Obama’s candidacy. As many critics saw it, Kennedy’s endorsement has become a signal of the Democratic Party’s consensus on his candidacy. Following this influential event led to many mass media endorsements of the event including newspapers published in California, Los Angeles Times and La Opinion, which the most widely-read Spanish-language daily.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After Kennedy’s endorsement, opinion polls showed Obama in strict ties with Senator Clinton for the democratic nomination (Associated Press, 2008). The strategy used governs many political advisers view to gain majority of delegates from key states to secure victory, and Obama did it with just one major political and highly-publicized endorsement.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The appeal of Obama’s political propaganda can be deemed into two significant standpoints. First, the on-going deep desire for social and political change is strongly used by the Obama campaign to hub an illusion, and to foster great support from the idealist (martin, 2008, p. 1). This s highlighted by the mass media by emphasizing that this change will come from someone from the African American community, a fundamentally groundbreaking event in American history if and when Obama wins as the first black President. However, Obama is not a clear product of any acts against racial oppression and civil rights struggles. He is a politician groomed to be of appeal to massive voters in the coming elections.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Obama’s political propaganda seeks to disengage and disassociate itself from the struggle of the elite and ruling class in running the country. More so, the critiques on Obama has seemingly less impacts because of a well-organized activities from the media who supports his candidacy and owes their respective professions to corporate bosses and financial institutions which have their own candidate as preferences. Even Obama’s appeal has penetrated the right-wing group with endorsements from Rupert Murdoch for example.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Also significant of the character of Obama’s political propaganda is the shift in campaign contributions from major business firms. More money means more capability in a candidate’s political machinery. Obama has been endorsed by different military institutions, then national security adviser to President Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Warren Buffett, the second richest man in the United States. Other known mass media executives and corporate executives have also pledged significant amounts for Obama to continue his aspiration on the America presidency. Through continuous efforts from the Obama campaign wagon to instill their dedication towards real change, the Los Angeles Times broke their tradition of not endorsing any candidate with the promotion of Obama’s candidacy in their editorial (Martin, 2008, p.1 ).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     As an observation, although generally the political propaganda of Obama is sufficient for him to gather and maintain support, it is also clear with biases to achieve voters support. For one, it sometimes resorts to Ad Hominem or the attack to his primary opposition and her arguments. In many cases, through debates and news reports, Obama responds to what Clinton offers on a negative tone. Although at times he emphasized their differences, he also had made several points of their similarities obvious to other people. By using change as a promotional concept and advocacy of his candidacy, he often appeals to authority which uses an ideal which is popular amongst people and grant their support for the ideology he used. He also often uses the appeal to prejudice on many public conventions and speaking engagements to evoke the sense of emotional value and goodness to benefit his character. Conclusion The Obama campaign has utilized effective marketing campaign strategies which efficiently used their connections and endorsements form media outlets and institutions. For the most part, Obama is following a political propaganda which is embedded to deny political differences and social classes but with emphasis on the economic differences between individuals in the society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Obama political propaganda strongly used news reports, radio, television and posters. It specifically and strategically used these media to indoctrinate various groups of audiences he wished to communicate with and to. Usually through this media, Obama used a directional method on how people can learn about more of his strategies, goals and principles. Through these methods, he intends to initiate individuals as information seekers, to recipients, to reinforcement and opinion leader in favor of his own. Works Cited: Associated Press (2008). â€Å"Obama comes up short on union support.† Hemscott Group Limited. Retrieved on March 24, 2008, from Martin, Patrick (2008). â€Å"US political establishment lines up behind Barack Obama.† International Committee on the Fourth International (ICFI). Retrieved on March 24, 2008, from Obama for America (2008). â€Å"Obama 2008: Change we Believe In†. The Official Site of Obama’s Campaign. Retrieved on March 24, 2008, from

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Key Resources In Management Information System Information Technology Essay

The Key Resources In Management Information System Information Technology Essay Information is defined as a fact that has been processed and organized in to a meaningful knowledge. It is a message that were received and understood and a knowledge that acquired through study, experience and instruction. Information also can be identify as concept that has many meanings, from everyday usage to the technical settings. The concept of information is closely related to notions of constraint, control, data instruction, and knowledge. Information has its own value and it can be very valuable when it is delivered at the right time, the right place and to the right person that need it. For an example, an investor can use the information about current economy to invest in a profitable business. If they got the wrong information about the business as they invest in a company that is almost bankrupt and they didnt know about it, they might loss and lose their money. Next information also is a very valuable asset in business field because it can determined whether an organization will make profit or loss. This is because any confidential information related to a company can be used against if the information fall into the wrong hand such as their competitor. So, information can be so powerful. A valuable information have several characteristic. This characteristic can show how much value the information is. There is the example of a valuable informations characteristic: Accessible A valuable information can be easily access by the authorized users so that it can be obtained when it is needed. Accurate The information must be accurate because it it will be used to support decision maker. If the information is inaccurate, its also will cause a wrong decision making. Complete It is contained with all the important fact. This can support in decision making too. Flexible The information can be used for a variety purpose so it can be a multipurpose information Reliable The information come from a reliable rsource and can be trusted by user. Secure It is only can be accessed by an authorized user. Timely The information can be obtained when it is needed. Verifiable The information is confirmed by many sources. Information give a lot of advantages to the users. It can be used in a meaningful way needed by the users. The advantages of information include: Support decision making A useful information will support in the decision making made by the user. It will help with the accuracy of the information that can be used by the user to make a decision. For an example, a person can make a wise choice in buying a peanut butter from two different brand by knowing both of the products price.. A Guide for a better planning and control It can be a good guildliness for making activities or control a performance of a work. For an example, a certain rules and policy is made to be followed by a companys staff to maintain or increase their production. Enhance knowledge and skills The advantages of an information is it can enhance users skill and knowledge by provide an information such as tutorial, instruction and guidelines. For an example, a musician can enhance their skills by learn from a tutorial video from Besides advantages, an information also have their disadvantages. It is: Information overload Too much information can be a problem for user because there are too many information that cannot be handled and the reliability and the accuracy is unknown. Overemphasize decision making Information can overemphasize users judgement in making their decision if it is too much of information. It also can disturb users rational in making their decision especially in a critical and pressure circumstances. Unanticipated effects The decision made by the user that based on an information may have an unpredictable result. For an example, a fisherman decide to go to the sea because the weather forecast said the day will be fine. But, on the day he go to the sea, it was unpredicted rain happen. Information technology Information technology can be defined as a study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information system, particularly software applications and computer hardware. Information technology also deals with the use of computer and computer software to securely convert, store, protect, process, transmit, input, output and retrieve information. In other words, Information Technology is a work that involve with electronic devices such as computer, hardware and software. Advantages of Information Technology: Globalization IT has brought the world closer together and allowed the worlds economy to become a single interdependent system. Thats mean, we can share any information quickly and efficiently and we also can reduce the barriers of linguistic and geographic boundaries among countries. Communication With information technology, communication has become cheaper, quickerade more efficient. Nowadays, we can communicate with anyone, anywhere in the world just by text message, e-mail, web chatting and video conferencing. Cost effectiveness IT has helped to computerize the business process thus streaming business and make them extremely cost effectivemoney making machine. This can increase the productivity and make profits. Bridging the cultural gap Information technology has helped to bridge the cultural gap by helping people from different cultures to communicate with one another, and allow for the exchange of views and ideas. More time IT has made it possible for businesses to be open 24 hours a week, all over the world and also allowed us to make purchases from different countries easier and it is convenient. Moreover, you can have your goods delivered right to your doorstep with having to move a single muscle by using IT such as E-commerce. Creation of new jobs the best advantage of information technology is it create a lot of new and interesting jobs. The example of the new job creation is like computer programmers, systems analyzers, hardware and software developers and also web designers. Disadvantages of Information Technology: Unemployment While information technology have streamlined the business process, it also has crated job redundancies, downsizing and outsourcing. Its means that a lot of lower and middle level jobs have been done by using technology such as computer and machine and its causing more people to become unemployed. Privacy Information technology may have made communication quicker, easier and more convenient. But it has also bought along privacy issues. From cell phone signal interceptions to email hacking, people are now worried about their private information becoming public knowledge. Lack of job security Industry experts believe that the internet has made job security as a big issue since technology keeps on changing with every day. It means that a person has to be in a constant learning mode to make sure their job is secure. Dominant culture Information technology may have made the world a global village, but it has also contributed to a culture dominating another week culture. For an example, we can see now that young teenagers all over the world has been influences by the west cultural such as their acting, dress up and behaviour. Their languages also have become overshadowed, when English becoming the primary mode of communication for business and everything else. People People also have their role in the management information system. People are needed to manage the information and the information technology. They can process the information in a way that the computers cannot do. This is because they have a different way of thinking by considering many element before making a decision. The role of people: Resercher People become a researcher when they read any information, process, and use it to find a solution for a problem. For an example, a scientist make a research to find a cure for H1N1 virus. Contributor People can contribute and share the information that they have for goods. They contribute may have been the most important thing to something that they are contributing to. For an example, a motivator share his knowledge about stress management to a companys staff. It is important for the staff because they can do their work without stress and this can increase their productivities. Founder People can be a founder by manipulating information and turn it into a new foundation. They process old information and come out with a new information. This is important because we need to update and advancing our knowledge and information. People also have their advantage and disadvantages. It is: Advantage Sharing information People can share and exchange their information with each other to enhance their knowledge. By knowledge sharing, one can improve they thinking way and lead to a positive decision making and also lead to a positive result. Manage information People can manage their information to a meaningful and creative way different from computers. People also know when and how to use the information according to the circumstances. Create information People can create new information by doing a research. They can come out with more useful information Analysis information People can analysis any infotmation instantly and wisely. This can help them to make a quick decision making. Disadvantages Misuse of information Misuse of information can happen when the information is used by people in a wrong way. For a example, people use the information in hand to cause problem such as a computer-intelligence use their expertise to scam people using online business. Leak of information Leak of information can happen when the people incharged is not doing their job or leak the information themselves. This happen a lot in business field when the business information of a company was leaked to their competitor. This cause the company loss their profits. So, from all of the 3 key resources above, it is decided that information is the most important key because it is the base for Information technology and people. Without information, IT will have no use and people cannot make a wise decision in their life. This is because without information, technology cannot develop by itself. They need to use information to create and develop any new technology. Information nowadays have its own price. For examples, a company is buying information from an outsourcing company to increase their productivity and also their profits. People also is buying information such as newspaper, magazine and educational books. Information also is very valuable when it comes to the right time, right place and to the right person. It can be use to assist in support decision making especially in an emergency situation . And for the least important between the 3 key resources is people. This is because people can make mistakes in using the information and that can cause a very big problem. Next, people is easy to influenced by other element such as emotion in making a decision. This can make them choose a wrong or inaccurate decision. Then, all the skill, experience, expertise, and knowledge that a person have, cannot be backup. If something happen such a death, the informations will lose. Problem that we have nowadays is not many people have a skills required by a company to hire them such as skills in computer-based and others. This will make the employer hard to hire them and it will cost them a lot more money to send the staff for training or take a course. So here, people are the least important element in managemt information system challenge.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Coca Cola Company Operations Pakistan Marketing Essay

Coca Cola Company Operations Pakistan Marketing Essay INRTODUCTION The Coca-Cola Company started their operations in Pakistan in 1953. Coca-Cola, Sprite and Fanta are the available brands in Pakistan. The System of Coca-Cola in Pakistan operates through eight bottlers, four of that are majority-owned by Coca-Cola Beverages Pakistan Limited (CCBPL). The CCBPL plants are awailable in Karachi, Gujranwala, Multan, Hyderabad, Lahore, Faisalabad, Rahimyar Khan and Sialkot. The other two plants, separately owned, are in Peshawar Rawalpindi. The Coca-Cola serves 70,000 customers/retail outlets in Pakistan. 1,800 people work system of Coca Cola in Pakistan. With in the last two years, over $130 million (U.S.) were invested by the Pakistan Coca Cola system. More than 56 years of refreshment period in Pakistan Coca-Cola was introduced in Pakistan 1953 Fanta was introduced in Pakistan 1965 Sprite was introduced 1972 Diet Coke Fanta Lemon was introduced 200 Since 1897Coca cola international productions have been sold in Mexico. Now Coco cola controls 60% of the Mexican soda market, further Pepsi with 30%. Further Mexican president Foxs before becoming a politician he was working as president of the Coca-Cola Corporation of Latin America Mexico. After his victory, Coca-Cola started bottling water by the wealthiest aquifer in the Chiapan town of San Cristà ³bal de las Casas, an ecological reserve controlled by a conservation group Pronatura that receives money from the Coca-Cola Mexico. In 2004, the Coke plant at San Cristà ³bal de las Casas used 107,332,391 water liters about as much as 200,000 homes use. In a country where over 12 million general public are without access to drinkable water, Mexican groups have started on a boycott against Coca-Cola basically motivated by Cokes increasing authority of Mexican water. So the object of this report is to critically evaluate the strategy and performance of any ONE US, European or Asian company over the last five years in any two emerging markets in different regions of the world. According to that the report describes Coca Cola Companies performance strategies in US Asian reigns by using Pakistan Mexico emerging markets. FINANCIAL REPORT: It is owing to the strong finances, the company is still existing the ups down of the business. The financial report of Coke the year 2000 2001along with the percentage change is as below. 2002 basic diluted net income per share includes a non-cash gain of $.02 per share after taxes that were recognized on the issuance of stock by Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc., one of the equity investors of the company. Charges are partly balance by a gain of $.05 for each share after income taxes related to the merger of Coca-Cola Beverages plc Hellenic Bottling Company S.A. $.04 per share after income taxes linked to benefits from a tax rate reduction in Germany from positive tax planning strategies. DIVIDEND AND CASH INVESTMENT PLAN: The Dividend Cash Investment Plan authorizes shareowners of record to invest again dividends from Company shares of The Coca-Cola Company. The Plan offers a systematic, economical convenient method of acquiring extra shares of our common stock. All the shareowners of record are suitable to participate. Shareowners are also may purchase stock through voluntary cash investments of up to $125,000 for year. In year-end, 76 % of the Companys shareowners of record were participants in the Plan. In 2002, shareowners did invest $36 million in dividends $31 million in money in the Plan. COMPANY STATISTICS: This companys statistics are inspiring. Since it is operating all over the places in the world because of that the number of employees the bottling equipments is uppermost among the other companies of bottling. There is a constant raise in every aspect when mach the statistics of 2001 the statistics of 2002. This is because; Coca Cola Company is increasing its volume day by day. The spreading out of this company that shows the victory of Coca Cola brands, results in the percentage vary in the statistics of the two years. The statistics is as below. (EBITDA) -Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization, other non-operating items Did convert to a standard unit of assess defined as 24 eight-ounce servings or else 192 ounces for each equal case sold by Coca-Cola Enterprises. PRODUCTS: The Coca Cola Company produces carbonated drinks as well as other drinks while launching companys product, the marketing department considers the culture the sub cultures of the country. Coca Colas major brands à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Coke à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Diet coke à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Sprite à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Coke classic à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Fanta STRATEGIC PLANNING In 2002, the coca cola company did have a great success, as the strategy did work that resulted in making Company the worlds leading company. In 2001, company did accomplish the top of its strategy as; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢global volume enlarged by 4 %with strong international growth of 5% clear signs that our North American business is growing steadily expectable. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Earnings per share did grow by 82 %, as we carried on our commitment to Create volume growth aggressively. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Return on common equity grew from 23 %in 2000 to 38 %2001 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Return on capital increased from 16 %in 2000 to 27 %in 2001. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢The free cash flow has bean generated by the company. Thats from $2.8 to $3.1 billion. In 2000,a clear indication of its underlying financial power. The strategy for the potential of the coca cola company is more straightforward. The marketing strategy for the next year is in this manner, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢The speed up carbonated soft-drink growth, led by Coca-Cola Company. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Selectively widen the group of beverage brands to drive profitable development. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Increase system profitability ability jointly with the companies bottling associates. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Treat consumers with creativity steadiness to generate development across all Channels. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Direct investments to the highest potential regions across markets. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Cost-effectiveness Drive efficiency all over the place. COCA COLA MEXICO Within the soft drinks Sprite Fanta become positively along with the key brand Coca Cola Diet Coke. In key markets, the company has formed new packaging sizes to satisfy customer demands. More and more, Mexican domestic families have lunched together at home. The lot of Mexican household drinks 2-1/2or more of soft drinks during that break, while a two liter bottle was the biggest available package. Therefore the company initiated a convenient 2-1/2 liter bottle to choose regions, involving to the sale of nearly 1.5 billion unit cases of Coke in Mexico. The bigger bottle will complete its island wide rollout in 2002. Since 1897Coca cola international productions have been sold in Mexico. Now Coco cola controls 60% of the Mexican soda market, further Pepsi with 30%. Further Mexican president Foxs before becoming a politician he was working as president of the Coca-Cola Corporation of Latin America Mexico. After his victory, Coca-Cola started bottling water by the wealthiest aquifer in the Chiapan town of San Cristà ³bal de las Casas, an ecological reserve controlled by a conservation group Pronatura that receives money from the Coca-Cola Mexico. In 2004, the Coke plant at San Cristà ³bal de las Casas used 107,332,391 water liters about as much as 200,000 homes use. In a country where over 12 million general public are without access to drinkable water, Mexican groups have started on a boycott against Coca-Cola basically motivated by Cokes increasing authority of Mexican water. COCA COLA PAKISTAN The Coca-Cola Company started their operations in Pakistan in 1953. Coca-Cola, Sprite and Fanta are the available brands in Pakistan. The System of Coca-Cola in Pakistan operates through eight bottlers, four of that are majority-owned by Coca-Cola Beverages Pakistan Limited (CCBPL). The CCBPL plants are awailable in Karachi, Gujranwala, Multan, Hyderabad, Lahore, Faisalabad, Rahimyar Khan and Sialkot. The other two plants, separately owned, are in Peshawar Rawalpindi. The Coca-Cola serves 70,000 customers/retail outlets in Pakistan. 1,800 people work system of Coca Cola in Pakistan. With in the last two years, over $130 million (U.S.) were invested by the Pakistan Coca Cola system. More than 56 years of refreshment period in Pakistan Coca-Cola was introduced in Pakistan 1953 Fanta was introduced in Pakistan 1965 Sprite was introduced 1972 Diet Coke Fanta Lemon was introduced 200 PROMISE OF COKE The fundamental proposition of the business is plain, firm timeless. When we bring refreshment, joy value fun to the stakeholders, then we successfully nurture protect our brands, mainly Coca-Cola. That is the key to fulfill ultimate duty to provide consistently attractive returns to the holder of the business. TARGET MARKET Cokes commercials mainly focused on young generations, for the reason that they want to represent Coke with the youth energy further they think about the matured people they take then as a co-target market. MAJOR SEGMENTS Major segments are mainly those who take Coke daily those areas where the demand is higher then the other areas. A lot of people who take Coke daily those who take weekly those who take rarely are always there as well. So, the Pakistan Coca Cola companys basic segments are those who have this drink often. FACTORS EFFECTING SALES There are lots of factors that affect the sale of Coca Cola. Three major factors are being discussed that effect coke. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Per capita income à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Competitors à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Weather Per Capita Income ThaÃÆ' ¯ss the major factor that influences the sale of this carbonated soft drink. For the reason that each every passing year budgets are becoming more strict tight in order to purchase things. Consequently the disposable revenues of the people are getting lower. They pay out heavily on rents, utilities, education basic necessities thereafter when they erne extra money they think about this carbonated soft drink .thus the get down of per capita income does effect badly in selling production of this carbonated soft drink. to go through with this difficulty there is need to increase the level of per capita Income of Pakistan therefore it is lesser than the other the countries. Competitors Coca Colas main competitor is PEPSI % there is no suspect to say this because every body knows that all the other cold drinks and water, tea, coffee, are the players. Weather This is immature market so the Coca Colas usage in winters is 40% in summers is 60%. MAJOR CUSTOMERS NEED Most of the consumers dont care about what they are going to take. They dont care before drinking that whether it is Coca Cola or Pepsi. They dont actually feel more differentiation among these two brands according to the tastes. Buyers normally have what they get. They believe on WHAT COLD THEY SOLD Customers availability in brands is normally happens such as: Push availability Pull consumers demand. According to this reason Coca Cola have supplied their coolers freezers in to the market. Further have utmost number of freezers coolers in the market. They supply these infrastructures free of charge just to supply child coke to the customer that they want to be bought. The mechanics salesman often go all the shops to check infrastructure .If there is any problem change or repair it. MAJOR COMPETITORS If consumers want to have soft drink they compete brands with each other. For instance compete Coke with Pepsi Sprite with 7up team. The Coca Cola Company thinks in a different way, they believe that new competitor AMRAT Cola, RC Cola, all the other juices, they take even water tea as their competitors. STRATEGIES OF QUALITY After macro micro analysis Brand Coca Cola is mainly role 1. Improve rivalry moments 2. When people do watch cricket 3. throughout commercialization 4. Enjoyable time Because of these strategies there can be better understanding better connection with the community. These are the main consumption. THREATS FROM COMPETITORS All of the Threats are well planned. The key threat is price. When the exact price whether comes down or goes higher thats effects the consumption of carbonated drink. For the reason that when the price goes higher consumers go for the substitute of coke such as Pepsi. when price goes down they think that there should be some thing wrong in that. In short that all depends on customers awareness. TARGETS THAT WOULD LIKE TO ATTAIN Survival of every organization is depending on profit. Thus Coke is also searching for a maximum of profit margin. We could identify three major ways to earn profits. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Over night profit à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Windfall profit à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Ethical and un-ethical ways Over Night Profits This is for the best brand for the year. This can be got increasing sales volume Windfall Profit They are the extras earnings. When the consumption is on boom. So, there are different types of profits. Ethical and Unethical Ways Profits can earn ethically or unethically. Company believes on this quote Every thing is fare in love and war. Further they can earn profit through diverse approaches. EXPANDING TARGET MARKET In last 2 years Coca Cola came back very aggressively. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Consumer has got choice à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Attractive brand name à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Brand differentiating Consumer Has Got Choice Consumers know the name of other big brand, even though Coca Cola is the 2nd best name but it can get the best place after some period. Attractive Brand Name Now buyers know the Name of Coca Cola, since Coke is the name thats the populist after the word ok. Thus consumers can better differentiate brands with others. Brand Differentiation Now different brands are available in the market. Thus, consumers can differentiate between brands. The best players coke and Pepsi also have some different kinds of brand names either. Coca Colas Brand Coca Cola think about the togetherness, being people together and friends are being together. Coca Cola hardly believes that Pakistani temperament is us Pepsis Brand They use the temperament of me. In contrast to Coke they do believe on individual struggle. OPPORTUNITIES THREATS FOR PRICE Opportunities There are some taxes company must pay such as 20% excise duty 03% In making Budge 15% sales tax 27% goes to government Not only for taxes but for electricity chargers, distribution chargers, after paying all of those chargers the price of a coke can increase up consumer have to pay these as taxes. These are the opportunities through which we can increase the price and can get profits. The Coca Cola Company gets those as their opportunities to increase the margin of rates as well as for increases their profits Threats There are some threats in increasing prices of products. If for instance, Coke increases for 1 rupee. Then people definitely will not go for Coca Cola they transfer to Pepsi. So these are the threats when coke increases its prices of products. STRATEGIES OF GETTING GOALS HIGH PROFITS There are many ways That Coca Cola can increase its profits. Some key ways are as follows. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ increasing volume à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢customers interest level à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ join with energetic festivals The way of increasing volume of consumers Coca Cola can increase the consumer volume by expanding the Coke industry. By using advertisements, attract people towards this product by offering very attractive interesting things. The way of increasing the interest level of consumers Increase the interest level of customers by using different flavors. For instance Coke is increasing the flavors in Fanta, through offering different flavors Coke can enhance the Level of customers these profits can be increased. The way of joining energetic festivals Coca cola is most of the time taking part in the festival such as Basant since during last 3 years. Coke erne high income consumption of Coke is increased on these occasions. In 2002 consumers were waiting that what interesting program Coke is going to present. MARKETING STRATEGY Coca Colas domestic marketing strategy enables Coke to listen all people around the world asking for soft drinks that span the entire occasions spectrum of tastes. What consumers want in a beverage is a reflection of who they are, how they work play, where they exist, how they relax recharge. We are determined not only to make great drinks, but also to contribute to societies over the world through Cokes commitment to, health, wellness, education diversity. Coke does its best to be a good neighbor, again and again shaping the business decisions to develop the quality of life in the communities in that do business. Thats a special object to have thousands of friends over the world, they never forget that. MARKET POSITIONING Product Range The Pakistan total range of Coca Cola products à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Coke. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Diet Coke. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Fanta. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Sprite. And also company presents its products in different bottle sizes these includes à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢PET 1.5 (1.5 litter plastic bottle) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢SSRB (standers size returnable bottle) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢NRB (no return bottle) or disposable bottle à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢CANS (tin pack 330 ml) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢LRB (litter returnable bottle) Packing There are different kinds of packing available. Such as, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢6 bottle pack for 1.5 pets à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢24 cans in one pack. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢12 bottles in a pack for disposable bottle à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢24 regular bottle shell PRICE STRATEGY Trade Promotion Coca Cola Company presents incentives to middle men or vendors in way that they gives them free models free empty bottles, because of that retailers middle man motivate to push their product in the sell thats the reason coca cola seen more in the market and they have a good sale in the market because according to the expert that product seen more in the market that sells more. Seen as sold The company makes agreements with a shop keepers stores to special sale in those stores. These stores are mainly called as KEY accounts in local words. the Coca Cola Company also invest large budget on these stores gives them free samples some time cash incentives free bottles. Various Price in Different Seasons Some times Coca Cola Company changes their productions prices according to that season. The best season for Pakistan beverage industry is summer. But for winter the scenario in totally posit. Reduce prices to maintain the sales profit. But in general they decrease the prices of their1 litter glass bottle pet bottles. PROMOTION STRATEGIES Getting shelves They takes or do purchase shelves in big departmental stores display their products in that shelves in that style that show product very clear very attractive for the customers. Eye Catching Position Their salesman positions their freezers their products in eye- catching places. Usually the company keeps freezers near the entrance. Sale Promotion Even company does sponsorships with various college schools cafes sponsors their sports many extra curriculum activities for catching market share. Under the crown scheme (UTC Scheme) Coca cola frequent do this type of scheme they offer very attractive prizes in it. Such as once they offer bicycles, caps, cash prizes, tv sets etc. DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS There are two types of selling in Coca Cola Company Direct selling Indirect selling Direct Selling In direct selling they supply using their own transports. They have approximately 450 vehicles to distribute their bottles. Company earn more profit when they use this type of selling . Indirect Selling Company has its whole agencies sellers to cover all the area. Even its so difficult to available the products to customers by their own distribution so they use the whole sellers and agent to distribute products to their consumers. FACILITATING THE PRODUCT BY INFRASTRUCTURE For providing their productions in fine manner company provide infrastructure Such as: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Free empty bottles and shells for bottles à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Freezers à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Display racks à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Vizi cooler ADVERTISEMENT They use many medias à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Billboards and holdings à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Pos material à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Tv commercial à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Print media Print Media They frequently use print media for their advertising. There is a separate department in Coca Cola Company for print media. POS Material Point of sale material that includes: posters stickers display in the stores in different places. TV Commercials As everyone knows that TV is a very popular entertaining medium. So Coke Company does regular TV commercials on different channels. Billboards and Holdings Coca cola is more aware about their billboards holdings. They have lots of sites in different regions for its billboards. EXPECTATIONS FOR THE COMING YEAR Every thing happens because of the consumers behavior. Company identified if they want to attract consumers they must throw the money away. positive felling with the brand, that they used to have Coca Cola wants to advertise its goods heavily in the next coming year. itll take the 10% of their income. when we do take it as an international level it is $ I billion. Next year is the challenging year for the Coca Cola industry. They need to take a lot of decisions that how to enhance the production where they have to spend money. For success in coming year Coca cola need to have some special things such as: 1. Loyal customers are important for success of the company. 2. Workers need to be the brand focus not the promotion focus. 3. They need to understand how much for the brand purposes. 4. They must know that how much to do the promotion work for brand. HOW COKE DECIDES THE ANNUAL BUDGET Coke decides its annual budget by the, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Sales volume à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Target volume à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Profitability Sales Volume Coke decides its annual budget through the volume of sales. They first think on whats the condition of its sales? if the condition is fine of its sales then company certainly increase their production sales If not they think on their older strategies. Profitability: The next thing that they decide budget is the profit. If Coke getting profits with the higher border, then Coke definitely wants to increase their profits in the next years. Every association runs on the basis of receiving higher profits. No the association wants to face failure in their business. To erne profit is the first main concern of Coke. Target Volume: Each every industry has some targets to run their business that they want to achieve in an exact time period. If industry reaches those goals in that period then for the next year it increases the amount of the target. So Coke go after the same thing it has also some objectives targets to complete in the given time schedule. When they succeed to reach that aim then they enhance their target volume in the future. SALES PROMOTION ACTIVITIES Coca-Cola Concerts Coca-Cola Cricket Coca-Cola Wonder of the World Promotion Coca-Cola Food Mela Coca-Cola Basant Festival Coca Cola TV Mazza Coca-Cola GO-RED Coca-Cola Party in a Park Coca-Cola Pet Promotion Coca-Cola Ramzan Campaign Coca-Cola Nokia Coca-Cola Mc Donalds Fanta Sprite Launched Diet Coke Coca-Cola Shopping Festival CONCLUSION Coca Cola without any doubt come the heart beat of Mexicans and Pakistanis. The strategy performance of Coca Cola is working for them the production is gaining attractive with youth daily in Mexico Pakistan. After completing the report, concluded some sort of recommendation for the Coca Cola Company, as follows. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Coca Cola Company should try to highlighting more on supplying their infrastructure in the market to treat their consumers. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢According to a survey, the organization that has dun the survey identified especially Pakistani people like little bit sweeter Coca Cola drink. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Coca Cola marketing team should try to enhance the availability of Coca Cola products in ruralarias. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Coca Cola should also focus the middle age old citizens. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Nowadays young population has a trend to have coke 2 regular bottles at same time, for providing them more satisfaction, company must sagest  ½ liter bottle to the market. There after by concentrating on that, Coca Cola Company can achieve their potential expected vision inside of the immerging markets.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Body Image in the Media :: Advertising Papers

How does the media influence our body image? In what forms, does the media influence our perceptions about our body? These were the two questions that I asked myself in order to do the research paper and the panel discussion. In my opinion, I would agree that the media does influence and promote women and men to believe that the culture's standards for body image are ideal. Hence, the phrases, "thin is in" and "the perfect body" are two examples of "eye-catching" headlines that I observed in many women magazines. I learned that the media influences us through television, fashion and health magazines, music videos, film, commercials, and various other advertisements. Sadly, as a result, this repeated exposure, the "thin" ideal, can lead many young girls in triggering eating disorders, depression, low self-esteem, stress, and suicide. After acquiring this relevant information, I decided to focus my research on what type of media influences elementary school children and the adolesc ent teenager. The three central types of media that I found that did indeed influence body image are: Fashion magazines, famous top-models and actresses, and teenage or young adult women in the music industry. According to the Seretean Center for Health Promotion, " the term, "body image" has been coined to describe a person's inner sense of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the physical appearance of her/his body." (From The Wellness Column, April 1, 1996.) In my research, I found that many young girls are dissatisfied with their bodies and many "strive" to look like the "waif-thin" models or actresses one sees on television or in fashion magazines. There was a lot of information and facts on body and image that I found on the Internet. However, one website, Just Think Foundation, supported my belief that the media, magazines in particular, do indeed influence young girls to be "thin" in order to be popular and beautiful in our society. For example, I was in alarmed to learn that "eighty percent of 10-year-old American girls diet; more than five million Americans suffer from eating disorders and ninety percent of those are adolescent and young adult women; the number one magic wis h for young girls age 11-17 is to be thinner; and between elementary and high school, the percentage of girls in the U.S. who are "happy with the way I am" drops from 60% to 29%.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Ch. 10 project- Booker T. Washington :: essays research papers

Booker Taliaferro was born a mix slave in Franklin Country on 5th April, 1856. His father was a white man who and no one knew who he was and his mother the slave of James Burroughs. His mother married the slave Washington Ferguson. When Booker entered school he took the name of his stepfather and became known as Booker T. Washington. After emancipation, his family was so poor that he worked in factories and mines at the age of nine. When he was 16 his parents allowed him to quit work to go to school. They had no money to help him so he walked 200 miles to attend the Hampton Institute in Virginia and paid his tuition and board there by working as the janitor. The principal of the institute was Samuel Armstrong an who was against slavery and had been commander of African American troops during the Civil War. Armstrong believed that it was important that the freed slaves received an education. Armstrong was impressed with Washington and arranged for his tuition to be paid for by a wealthy white man. Booker T. Washington carried on this idea and later he would teach in his home town, then at the Hampton Institute, and then in 1881, he founded the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute in Tuskegee, Alabama. As head of the Institute, he traveled the country unceasingly to raise funds from blacks and whites both; soon he became a well-known speaker. In 1895, Washington was asked to speak at the opening of the Cotton States Exposition, a good thing for an African American. His Atlanta Compromise speech explained his idea, that blacks could protect their rights through their own economic and moral progress rather than through legal and political changes. Although his calm stand angered some blacks who feared it would encourage the enemy of equal rights, whites approved of his views. His major achievement was to win over diverse elements among southern whites, without whose support the programs he thought and brought into being would have been impossible.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Description of business Essay

This entrepreneur will be opening a new business which will operate as a sole trader. The name of this business is CJ’s Seafood joint.CJ’s Seafood joint will operate under the logo â€Å"Come have a mouthful of flavor. Operating as a sole trader would mean that the entrepreneur would make all the descions himself but would also have to carry the responsibilities for himself. The main aim of the business is to have every customer who comes comes through our doors impressed by CJ’s and will be excited to come again,also to create and maintain a surrounding that is comprehensive and exceptional in its attention to every detail of operation.The entrepreneur also wishes to provide a friendly, cooperative and rewarding environment which encourages longterm, satisfying, growth employment.To keep the concept fresh,exciting and on the cutting edge of the hospitality industry. The business will be opened on weekdays 8:00 am to 10:30pm,weekends,9:00 am to 11:30 pm also on public holidays. CJ’s is opened to a variety of different persons and age groups.It would be coveinienient to persons who are working long hours and so does not have the time to prepare a proper meal or even a family who is just looking for somewhere nice and beautiful to have dinner.CJ’s will also serve an as accommodation for catering at dinners,weddings and any other events. Justification of location CJ’s seafood joint will be loctated in Kingston at Ann’s Bay near the sea.The business will do exceptionally well at this location because of its proximity from the sea.Being located near the sea would mean that the raw materials needed for the running of the business would cost less money to transport the raw materials to the business.Also the business will have a dependable source of material this means there will never be a scarcity in production. Secondly, beach scenery would also serve as an attraction for both local and international customers,especially the tourist from which foreign exchange would be gained which means more profits for the business.A beautiful beach scenery would provide a relaxed and calm environment which would entise the customers into returning again and having a god reputation would mean more customers thus more profits. Selection of appropriate labour For this business to be ran successfully,the entrepreneur will need to employ both skilled and skilled workers.The skilled workers in this business will consist of: Two Chefs and one executive chef.These persons will be incharge of the preparation and meal planning of all the sophisticated menus and introducing new ideas which will motivate the customers in returning. 2 Bartenders.These persons would be incharge of making refresging beverages and liquors according to the customers preference. The business will also need 5 Cashiers.They will be incharge of the money made on a daily basis and will play a part in the monitoring of the business’s financial transactions and data. In this business the unskilled are just as important as the skilled workers as they play a vital role in the successful running of the business.The skilled will consist of: 10 Janitors.They will be incharge of the proper maintenance and sanitation of the premises which will give the business a good reputation for its emmaculate maintenance . 4 waiters and 4 waitresses. They will be responsible for satisfying the customers requirements and should try to meet all of them with no animosity and should be patient in dealing with their problems. 10 fishermen.They will be responsible for going out to sea and ensuring that the sea animals needed by the business is always on time and of good quality. Sources of fixed and working capital The business will need both working and fixed capital.The two sources of fixed capital to be used by the business are: A loan of US $300,000 from the National Commercial Bank, to be secured with a mortgage on the entrepreneurs home,which would go towards: the purchasing of new equipement renovating and upgrading the premisis purchasing of more delivery vehicles The second source will be: personnal savings of the entrepreneur of US$10,000 from the Jamaica Mutual Bank which will be used to do the same as the things listed above. The two sources of working capital will be a loan from the bank and personal savings of the entrepreneur .This money will contribute towards: paying salaries paying utility bills pay rent on the premises The money borrowed from the bank will be repaid from the profits accumulated during a period of 10 years of successful business management. Role of entrepreneur The entrepreneur is one who organizes the factors of production to create goods and services. The most suitable location, qualified workers, and the right equipment and machinery will ensure efficient production. It is therefore important for him to make the right decisions concerning the employment of the required resources for his business. He must also make decisions on systems and processes to be applied in the production process.An entrepreneur has many roles/responsibility, three of which are: PLANNING Planning is very important to every venture. It is more important to the entrepreneur’s venture because of the uncertainty of success and less room to make mistake. The entrepreneur’s focus is on the execution side and how to get the product to the market in the shortest amount of time so as to start earning revenue. OPERATING This is where the entrepreneur starts putting all its business ideas into place .He analyzes his ideas and sees if they are going according to planned. Conceptualizing This is where the entrepreneur gains an understanding of the business and what he hopes it will be, Production The action of making or manufacturing from components or raw materials, or the process of being so manufactured.There are three types of production.They include: Primary Production This includes all kinds of extractive industries such as agriculture, mining and fishing. Secondary Production This includes manufacturing such as assembling, refining and construction (building) industries. Tertiary Production This includes all kinds of service industries such as transportation, communication and tourism. The type of production used in the business is primary production.The fishes and other sea animals are extracted from the sea to be made in a finished product to be enjoyed by thousands of customers. Levels of production Production is the action of making or manufacturing from components or raw materials, or the process of being so manufactured.There are three levels of production.These include Subsistence This is the lowest level of production. Subsistence productions refers to output from the production process that is just enough for the survival. This amount of production is therefore not adequate to meet all needs and wants of a family, community or a country. For example, subsistence farming involves the production of crops to feed the family and for survival. Wealth is not created as whatever is produced is consumed. Domestic Production Domestic production refers to production that is more than survival level. It provides output that is enough to satisfy domestic needs and wants. Excess is not available for export. However, production is adequate to supply local demand. Surplus or Export This level of production is adequate to supply local demand and for export. Large industries can produce large quantities of output to satisfy local consumption and earn foreign exchange from export, for example, the sugar and banana industries. The type of production used by CJ’s Seafood Joint is domestic production.The business provides mostly for the local market.There is sufficient demand locally to absorb all the produce. Quality control measures The entrepreneur will make a daily report on the problems or difficulties face on a daily business and implement measures to correct them. The entrepreneur will also be responsible for inspecting the goods carried in on a daily basis to make sure that they are up to standard and are suitable for consumption. Technology In today’s world technology has become one of the fastest advancements.In CJ’s Seafood Joint it will play a vital part in its day to day running. Two types of technology used by the business are a refrigerator and a computer. The refrigerator is responsible for the preservation of foods and beverages.Without the refrigerators,items will start to them rottening resulting in a loss of money and customers due to a bad reputation of rotted foods The computers is most important as it contains all the business’s transactions and data.It provides order and allows information to be accessed easily,without the availability of computers everything will be chaotic. Potential for growth Internally We will be able to expand our initial operation by 80% by our 7th year, however expanding would mean a larger premisis which would require us to go elsewhere for the business to be successful in all its different aspects.We would need to buy additional delivery vehicles also an addition of ten (10) members of staff to share the extra work load.The business would have to move to a similar locatiom,near the sea, so as to not make things difficult in the purchasing and transporting of foods Externally If we can acquire a good record,we might be able to expand internationally,allowing us to open branches in different countries turning CJ’s into a multi-national business .The business would so make more money and foreign exchange,also more exposure for the business. Linkages The business turns raw materials into a delicious produce to be consumed by our customers. Having a backward linkage helps the business in that there is a reduced dependence on imported goods since local suppliers provide the raw materials for the producers.The linkage will allow the business to source fresh produce,to minimize delivery time and transport costs and to maintain a close relationship with the product suppliers to ensure product quality. Government Regulations The business must apply to the Commissioner of Taxes to be a registered taxpayer, the business will earn atleast at least JMD 2,000,000. The application for GCT registration must be submitted within 21 days after taxable activity has started. A temporary GCT certificate will be issued to the company upon receipt of the application for GCT. Documents to be submitted are the following: 1. Completed application for TRN Number Organisations 2. NIS number confirming that the company is not yet liable to National Insurance. 3. Certified copy of Articles of Incorporation 4. Authorisation letter if the TRN application is being made by a third party. The business will be affected by the health and safety regulations ,particulary with regard to oil spills.The entrepreneur must be familiar with all legal requirements for occupational health and safety,and must ensure full compliance. Ethical Issues CJ’s will make the aspect of ethical issues priority as it relates to the development of the business. CJ’S Cuisine will endeavour to do its best in not to be involved in ignoring health, safety and environmental standards. The business will ensure that all these aspects meet the necessary requirement in order to avoid instances such as food poisoning .we will aim to meet a good nutritional standard for all meals,with a balance of proteins and other requirements.