Sunday, July 28, 2019

McDonalds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

McDonalds - Essay Example They use renewable resources and quality control over the industry, which is done through random checks and random audits. The main weakness is the media backlash. On operations, the industry has on line and onsite kiosk job application systems and is the second largest employer in the U.S. on the marketing, sales the products are of high quality, and the industry promotes health and wellness campaign and product offerings and does a lot of consumer and market research. The company also makes promotions such as the Coca Cola endorsement promotion. Their services have a high accuracy and done in a clean environment and often accompanied with friendly customer service. However, the industry lacks employee apathy and some customers complain of dissatisfaction (Collier 2010). As is with other companies McDonalds relies on its resources for its capabilities and core competencies to be able to create value through this, McDonalds claims to have capabilities including its own employees and the training experiences provided to them. A global food vision and a stable of full time chefs in studios, which are located in Hong Kong, Munich, and Chicago, are some of the resources that are combined to form the firm’s product innovation capability. To make all this work is dependent on the firm’s organizational structure. McDonalds uses its resources to focus on being a better instead of concentrating on being big and this has been evident since the McDonald is becoming better through creating value for customers. Any strategies that the firm chooses must be based on its resources. The McDonalds uses its skills on human resources to lay a foundation of producing a number of new products to serve local customers. To implement a strategy the managers int egrate or combine different resources so that the firm is able to complete tasks. From the importance of resources, managers complete an internal analysis (Hess 2010). The McDonalds

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